A Ramadan Alfred Workflow


Creating an Alfred Workflow for Ramadan Notifications

Welcome to a detailed guide on developing an Alfred workflow, a tool designed to keep you informed about the current day of Ramadan. This unique workflow leverages the capabilities of Alfred, a productivity application for macOS, enhancing your digital environment with timely religious observances. By integrating Python scripting with Alfred’s script block feature, this workflow emerges as a user-friendly and efficient notifier for those observing Ramadan.

The Development Process Explained

The workflow is engineered using the Python programming language, known for its versatility and user-friendliness. The integration with Alfred’s script block allows for seamless execution within the macOS ecosystem. Instead of relying on an external API for date information, which can often lead to dependencies and limitations, this project utilizes a manually curated list of projected Ramadan start dates. It’s important for users to understand that these dates are estimated based on the Islamic lunar calendar and are therefore approximate; they may require adjustment as the confirmed dates approach.

Availability and User Guidance

The script, along with a comprehensive guide, will be made available on my website. Users can download, install, and customize the workflow according to their local observance of Ramadan. While the current setup does not use real-time data fetching, it serves as a robust starting point for anyone looking to integrate their religious practices with their digital workflow tools. Keep in mind the importance of verifying the dates as Ramadan approaches, due to the inherent variability in the lunar calendar calculations.

The script

import datetime

# Dictionary mapping year to the start date of Ramadan
ramadan_start_dates = {
    2024: datetime.date(2024, 3, 11),
    2025: datetime.date(2025, 3, 1),
    2026: datetime.date(2026, 2, 18),
    2027: datetime.date(2027, 2, 8),
    2028: datetime.date(2028, 1, 28),
    2029: datetime.date(2029, 1, 16),
    2030: datetime.date(2030, 1, 6),
    2031: datetime.date(2031, 12, 26),
    2032: datetime.date(2032, 12, 15),
    2033: datetime.date(2033, 12, 4),
    2034: datetime.date(2034, 11, 23),
    2035: datetime.date(2035, 11, 12),

# Get today's date
today = datetime.date.today()

# Get the current year to determine the start date of Ramadan
current_year = today.year
ramadan_start = ramadan_start_dates.get(current_year)

# Check if we have a start date for the current year
if ramadan_start is None:
    print("Start date for Ramadan this year is not defined.")
    # Calculate the difference
    delta = today - ramadan_start

    # Check if Ramadan has started
    if delta.days >= 0:
        print(f"Today is Ramadan {delta.days + 1}")
        print("Ramadan has not started yet.")


I realize that the script is not for everyone but create it definitely brought me joy. I won’t be offended if you find it useless. finally, you can find the Alfred Workflow in my GitHub repo.