In this video I discuss Velja, the browser menu bar utility for user browser selection.
Velja is a browser utility that opens links in a browser specified by the user. For example, in the video, I opened an Apple link on Twitter using Safari even though Safari wasn’t set as my default browser at the time. It also allows you to set up rules for specific domains. In another example, I could open a Zendesk link with Chrome without launching the specific browser app and pasting the link in, but instead, I created a Velja rule to automate it. Velja automates the open link process by acting as a browser extension that gives you the freedom of choice again.
The app can easily be downloaded from Sindre Sorhus, a link that will direct you to its app store page
I found that velja is the best free option available. There are also paid apps like Choosy. It will cost you about $10.